Online Forms

Business Licenses
Alcohol License Renewal Application
This form is required for all businesses that sell alcohol in the City of Fairburn.
Homebase Occupation Tax Application
This form is required for all home businesses in the City of Fairburn.
Commercial Occupation Tax Application
This form is required for all commercial businesses in the City of Fairburn.
New Alcohol License Application
This form is required for all businesses that want to sell alcohol in the City of Fairburn for the first time.
City Clerk
General Liability Incident (Claims) Report
This form is required to request public information in the City of Fairburn.
Code Enforcement
Tree Removal or Destruction Permit Application
This form is required in Fairburn for those wanting to remove or destroy any tree having a caliper of six (6) inches or more which is...
Court Services
COVID-19 Court Proceedings Plea Recommendation
This form is to be used by individuals desiring to resolve their cases without appearing physically in front of the Judge.
Online Municipal Court Submittal Form
Use this form to ask questions, If you have concerns, or to submit documentation to the court.
Fire Department
Main Street
Parks and Recreation
Shade Structure - Ticket Reservation
Please use this form when renting a shaded structure in the pool area and needing to reserve pool tickets. Please note that tickets..
Police Department
Police Department Complaint / Commendation
Every person who encounters a Fairburn Police Officer has the right to expect that the officer will be professional, courteous and...
Police Department House Watch Form
Going out of town? Did you know that the police department offers a house watch service? Officers will check the perimeter of your...
Contact Us
Sr Leadership & Administration Dept
Office of the Mayor Meeting Request
Use this form when requesting to meet with the City Administrator
Office of the City Administrator Meeting Request
Use this form when requesting to meet with the Mayor.