Citizen Services

The City of Fairburn Fire Department has partnered with Safe Haven and Safe Place to provide a safe environment for individuals seeking assistance.
Are you alone and afraid? Please let us help you. There are safe and anonymous options for you and your baby.
Each year in the United States, too many babies are abandoned. Despite safe haven legislation that provides parents a safe way to relinquish their infant, lack of public awareness has limited the laws' effects. The National Safe Haven Alliance works to promote these laws and increase awareness on both local and national levels.
For Youth...Someplace To Go. Someone To Help.
When teens find themselves in crisis or need a place to stay, they should know how and where to get help. Our nation's young people deserve safety and shelter, and many youths feel they don't have either. Thanks to Safe Place, immediate help is never too far away.
Safe Place provides access to immediate help and supportive resources for youth in need. As a community initiative, the program designates schools, fire stations, libraries, and other youth-friendly organizations as Safe Place locations, which display the yellow and black sign.
Safe Place locations extend the doors of the local youth service agency or shelter to support teens in crisis situations, creating a safety net for youth.
For more information contact:
Child Passenger Safety Seat
A certified child passenger safety technician can instruct parents through a presentation on how to safely install a child safety seat in their car. The presentation includes not only the instruction on installation but also important information on motor vehicle safety, seat belts, the law, etc. Car seat installations are scheduled by appointment only.
Battalion Chief Karlton Ghant – / 770-964-2244 x 500
For the car seat form please click here (must download to submit)