Purchasing Department

The Purchasing Department is responsible for the purchasing of products and services for all City of Fairburn Departments. This includes all aspects of the purchasing cycle from the receipt of a requisition to the issuance of a purchase order to the informal and formal bidding of supplies, vehicles, services, etc., all the while procuring goods and services in the most effective way to achieve the best price and quality needed to meet the requirements of City of Fairburn, while promoting fair and open competition and in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and City policies. Purchasing follows a strict code of ethics, avoiding the appearance of and preventing the opportunity for favoritism. Purchasing shall strive to create a friendly work environment through teamwork, respect, integrity, and honest communication.
The primary goal of the Purchasing Department shall be to procure the needed goods and services with optimal quality and price in a timely manner.
- Procure goods and services in accordance with the statutes of the Local Government Code and State of Georgia guidelines.
- Procure items at the lowest cost that quality, quantity, delivery, and safety objectives permit.
- Organize and use the total buying power of the City, in a manner that will yield maximum benefit for the City of Fairburn.
- Study markets to analyze prices, evaluate vendors, identify methods of reducing costs through improved specifications and supervision of supply sources, and recommend changes in product and in order quantities when conditions warrant.
- Seek, develop, and maintain reliable sources of supply that will create and encourage competitive bidding and free and open competition.
- Maintain good vendor relations to promote the City of Fairburn’s reputation for fair dealing.
- Always have the best interests of the City of Fairburn and taxpayers in mind through all matters involved with purchasing.