
Sanitation Service
The City is currently updating our Solid Waste Management Plan and needs your input. Please learn more about the Solid Waste Management Plan and read more about how you can participate.
Sanitation service is provided through a contract service with Waste Industries. Call Fairburn Utilities with questions at 770-969-3481. Pick-up is provided one day per week. When services are requested, you will be given your pick-up day, and a cart and recycle bin may be ordered if needed.
Click here for Amwaste Sanitation Information
Helpful Recycling Documents
Outdoor Water Use Information
Water stewardship regulations went into effect earlier this year in Fairburn. It allows daily outdoor watering for purposes of planting, growing, managing, or maintaining ground cover, trees, shrubs, or other plants only between the hours of 4 p.m. and 10 a.m. by anyone whose water is supplied by a water system permitted by the Environmental Protection Division.
The following outdoor water uses also are allowed daily at any time of the day by anyone:
- Commercial agricultural operations as defined in Code Section 1-3-3 O.C.G.A
- Capture and reuse of cooling system condensate or stormwater in compliance with applicable local ordinances and state guidelines
- Reuse of gray water in compliance with Code Section 31-3-5.2 O.C.G.A. and applicable local board of health regulations adopted pursuant thereto
- Use of reclaimed wastewater by a designated user from a system permitted by the Environmental Protection Division of the department to provide reclaimed wastewater
- Irrigation of personal food gardens
- Irrigation of new and replanted plant, seed, or turf in landscapes, golf courses, or sports turf fields during installation and for a period of 30 days immediately following the date of installation
- Drip irrigation or irrigation using soaker hoses
- Hand watering with a hose with automatic cutoff or handheld container
- Use of water withdrawn from private water wells or surface water by an owner or operator of property if such well or surface water is on said property
- Irrigation of horticultural crops held for sale, resale, or installation
- Irrigation of athletic fields, golf courses, or public turf grass recreational areas
- Installation, maintenance, or calibration of irrigation systems
- Hydroseeding
Outdoor water use for any purposes other than watering of plants, such as power washing or washing cars, is still restricted to the current odd/even watering schedule.
Odd-numbered addresses can water on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.
Even-numbered and unnumbered addresses are allowed to water on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
If you have questions about outdoor water uses in your area please contact the Fairburn Water Resources Department at 770-969-3481.
Water Conservation Retrofit Kits
Water Conservation Retrofit Kits are now available. Residential water customers in good standing whose home was built before 1993 are eligible to receive a FREE water retrofit kit for use in reducing the amount of water used (and correspondingly, their billed amount). Please call 770-969-3481 to request a kit. Quantities are limited and kits are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Click here to read more about the City of Fairburn Water Conservation Retrofit Kit Program (PDF).
Payment Center/New Service
City Hall
56 Malone Street
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.