Fairburn Government 101

The City of Fairburn operates as a Mayor/Council form government with a City Administrator. The Mayor and six (6) Council members are part-time employees. A full-time City Administrator serves at the pleasure of Mayor and Council and is responsible for carrying out their policy directives and managing the day-to-day operations of the City.
The Mayor and City Council are elected by the entire City and serve "at large" rather than representing various districts. Each year at the first regularly scheduled meeting in January, the Council elects a Mayor Pro Tem from among its members. Fairburn's Mayor Pro Tem assumes all duties and powers of the Mayor during the Mayor's absence or disability.
It is the responsibility of the Fairburn City Council to set policy for City operations, to set millage rates for property taxes, to approve budgets of the various departments, to pass ordinances, and to hear and act on requests for rezoning and annexation.
Social Media Policies
View the City of Fairburn Social Media Comment Policy (PDF) to receive information regarding regulations as they pertain to social media.