Purchasing Code of Ethics

The Purchasing division of Financial Services (FS) fosters and promotes fair and ethical business practices while acting in the best interest of the City of Fairburn, and the people of the State of Georgia. This includes adhering to a strict code of ethics.
It is important that our suppliers understand that the City of Fairburn expects staff who are involved in any aspect of purchasing goods and services for City of Fairburn, to adhere to the Purchasing Code of Ethics:
- Consider City of Fairburn's mission and principles of community.
- Obtain maximum value for each dollar spent.
- Decline personal favors, gifts, and gratuities.
- Grant all competitive suppliers fair and equal consideration.
- Conduct business with potential and current suppliers in an atmosphere of good faith.
- Demand honesty in sales representation.
- Receive consent of originator for use of proprietary ideas and designs.
- Make a reasonable effort to obtain an equitable settlement of any controversy with a supplier.
- Accord a prompt and courteous response to all who call on legitimate business.
- Foster fair, ethical, and legal business practices.
- Protect the City of Fairburn’s interest by ensuring suppliers honor all terms of their contracts.