City of Fairburn LCI Downtown Master Plan

The City of Fairburn is updating its Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) Downtown Master Plan, which has not been updated since 2009. This plan will help the city invest in the pride of Fairburn and its Historic Downtown District by creating a vibrant and connected downtown where the people of Fairburn can live, work, and play. The plan will build on the Creative Placemaking Strategy to help stimulate economic growth by revitalizing the historic downtown area and create a visually aesthetic community that is artistically motivated and will enhance the character and identity of the city, as well as implement street improvements that create space for a safer pedestrian environment with strategic walkable and biking infrastructures, and multi-modal traffic operations. The study will also focus on attracting the market and creating smart housing investment strategies and creating an action for strategic investment, targeted economic programming, and forging real estate partnerships.
Project Schedule
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