Community Development

The Community Development Department is responsible for providing land use and environmental planning, zoning, permitting services, development review, and GIS.
- Engineering
- Land Development
- Permitting & Inspections
- Planning & Zoning
Projects Underway and or Completed
- Downtown LCI Streetscape Presentation 7/13/2017 Presentation 8/28/2017 Project Rendering
- The LCI project includes streetscape enhancements along US 29 from Malone Street to approximately 175 feet north of Strickland Street.
- South East Broad Street Pedestrian Improvements Project Rendering
- The work includes the removal of the existing curb & gutter, sidewalk, and driveway aprons as required, installation of new curb & gutter, installation of new sidewalk, replacement of existing sidewalk as required, installation of new driveway aprons, and the installation of new ADA handicap ramps.
- Virlyn B. Smith Road Pedestrian Improvements Project Rendering
- The work includes the removal of the existing curb & gutter, sidewalk, and driveway aprons, installation of new sidewalk, replacement of existing sidewalk as required, installation of new driveway aprons, installation of new curb & gutter as required, and the installation of new ADA handicap ramps. The scope of work will be conducted on the west side of Virlyn B. Smith Road, from Rivertown Road to the SR 14/US 29 access ramp. Add Alternate #1 consists of the installation of pedestrian lighting within the project limits.
- Golightly Street Pedestrian Improvements Project Rendering
- The work includes the installation of new sidewalks, driveway aprons, and ADA ramps on both sides of Golightly Street in the City of Fairburn. The contract will also include the preparation of subgrade, saw-cutting, and demolition of existing asphalt and concrete, as well as clean-up and backfilling. Add Alternate #1's scope consists of installing pedestrian lighting within the project limits. Add Alternate #2 consists of the removal of the existing roll-back curb & gutter and replacing it with a new standard 24” curb & gutter. Add Alternate #3 includes milling, asphalt paving, installing traffic-print textured crosswalks, striping, manhole adjustments, and other associated tasks. Add Alternate #4's scope includes installing a 24” curb & gutter, 4’ sidewalk, and open back catch basins on the east side of W. Campbellton Street, between Golightly Street and Dodd Street.
- Roadway Improvements on Various City Roads Project Location Map
- The work includes milling, temporary traffic control, asphalt paving, manhole adjustments, and associated tasks.
Studies Underway and or Completed
- State Route 74 - Comprehensive Corridor Study
- Southern Fulton Comprehensive Transportation Plan (Update)
- South Fulton CID-Multi-Modal Study
- South Fulton CID-Freight Intelligent Transportation System
Forms & Documents
- Timber Harvesting Permit Application Package
- Clearing and Grading Permit Application
- Clearing & Grading (CGP) Checklist
- Guide To Sustainability in Municipal Operations
- Right-of-Way Encroachment Permit Application
- Stormwater Compliance Checklist
- Site Plan Review (LDP) Application & LDP Checklist
City of Fairburn Zoning Ordinance
Standard Details
- P001 - Standard Detail Concrete Pipe Bedding.pdf
- P003 - Standard Detail Plastic Pipe Bedding.pdf
- P004 - Standard Detail Concrete Pier and Dimensions.pdf
- R001 - Standard Detail Wheelchair Ramp.pdf
- R002 - Standard Detail Wheelchair Ramp Details.pdf
- R003 - Standard Detail Residential Commercial or Non-Commercial Drive.pdf
- R004 - Standard Detail Standard Cul-de-sacs.pdf
- R005 Standard Detail Typical Sidewalk.pdf
- R006 - Standard Detail Residential Driveway and Sidewalk.pdf
- R007 - Standard Detail Concrete Pavement Patch.pdf
- R008 - Standard Detail Curb and Gutter.pdf
- R009 - Standard Detail Curb and Gutter at Catch Basins.pdf
- R010 - Standard Detail Local or Minor Collect.pdf
- R011 - Standard Detail Utility Placement.pdf
- R012 - Standard Detail Roadway Widening Sections.pdf
- S001 - Standard Detail 4-foot Precast Manhole.pdf
- S002 - Standard Detail Precast Shallow Manhole.pdf
- S003 - Standard Detail Sanitary Sewer Manhole Invert Plan.pdf
- S004 - Standard Detail Manhole Over Existing Sewer.pdf
- S005 - Standard Detail Standard Manhole Frame and Cover.pdf
- S006 - Standard Detail Watertight Manhole Frame and Cover.pdf
- S007 - Standard Detail Polypropylene Plastic Manhole Step.pdf
- S008 - Standard Detail Forcemain Connection Manhole.pdf
- S009 - Standard Detail Sewer Transition Collar.pdf
- S010 - Standard Detail Sewer Connection to Existing Structure.pdf
- S011 - Standard Detail Sewer Service Cleanout.pdf
- S012 - Standard Detail Sewer Service Connection.pdf
- S013 - Standard Detail Sewer Service Lateral and Cleanout.pdf
- S014 - Standard Detail Manhole Drop Connection.pdf
- S015 - Standard Detail Pump Station Layout.pdf
- S016 - Standard Detail Wet Well and Valve Pit Plan View.pdf
- S017 - Standard Detail Wet Well and Valve Pit Profile View.pdf
- S018 - Standard Detail Electrical Riser.pdf
- W001 - Standard Detail Fire Hydrant Assembly.pdf
- W002 - Standard Detail Service Meter Assembly.pdf
- W003 Standard Detail Gate Valve Assembly.pdf
- W004 - Standard Detail Water Valve Marker.pdf
- W005 - Standard Detail Fire Main Domestic Water Connection and Vault.pdf
- W006 - Standard Detail Backflow Prevention Assembly.pdf
- W007 - Standard Detail Concrete Thrust Block Dimensions.pdf
- W008 - Standard Detail Long Side Water Service.pdf
- W009 - Standard Detail Water Main Termination Detail.pdf
- W010 - Standard Detail Inline Reaction Blocking.pdf
- W011 - Standard Detail Fire Department Connection.pdf
- Fairburn Water Sewerage Standards -2015 .pdf