Council Member Hattie Portis-Jones

Title: Council Member
Phone: 470-755-0108
Councilwoman Hattie Portis-Jones, MPA, is a third-term council member re-elected November 2021 and elected Mayor Pro-Tem, an honor bestowed twice-2022 and 2017. She was recently appointed to the EPA's Local Government Advisory Committee's Small Communities Council by EPA Administrator Regan of the Biden-Harris Administration. She is a recipient of the Georgia Academy for Economic Development's Region 3 Economic and Leadership Development Program; Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) Certificate of Excellence; GMA Certificate in Human Resource Administration and National League of Cities (NLC) University Gold Level Certificate. She is former NLC Board of Director serving on its Legislative Action Committee and former Chair of NLC's - Energy Environment and Natural Resources Policy Committee. Councilwoman Portis-Jones was reappointed to NLC's EENR Committee by NLC President and Union City, GA Mayor Vince Williams, and NLC Leadership Fellows. She is on the Leadership Council of Water Now Alliance and EcoAmerica Path To Positive Communities. She is a Member of the Georgia Municipal Association Federal Policy Advocacy Committee, a Mentor to Newly Elected Municipal Officials, and a former Board of Director (Treasurer), of the Georgia Municipal Black Caucus.
As a member of Fairburn's six-member Legislative Branch, Councilwoman Portis-Jones develops policy, enacts laws for the well-being of its 16,000+ citizens, and ensures the proper stewardship of its resources and adherence to its laws. Her many accomplishments as part of the city council include: an 88-unit active Senior Living Facility and other housing developments; Duncan Park Football and Water Park Complex; Downtown Amphitheater; Farmer's Market (expanding market to provide access to SNAP recipients); Award-winning Let's Move (to encourage a healthy lifestyle and environment); City Employee Wellness Program; City Re-branding (Situated to Succeed); major economic development projects-both downtown and its major economic development corridor.
Councilwoman Portis-Jones is a veteran public servant who is semi-retired with extensive municipal government and non-profit experiences in executive positions of administration, finance, public works, and health. She served as a board of director for several non-profit organizations - locally, nationally, and internationally. She has a Masters Degree in Public Administration from City University of New York-Baruch College and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including recognition as one of the National Urban Fellows 50 Icons (2019); Woman of Courage in Government (2018); and Who's Who in Black Atlanta (2017).