
The City of Fairburn is proud to announce that our community has been selected to receive Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) grant funding from the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC). Fairburn, one of ten recipients, was awarded $200,000 for a planning study geared to help reimagine the downtown area, create vibrant transit corridors, and promote a live-work-play environment.
There is no better time to take advantage of the City of Fairburn Clean-Up Events than during Spring cleaning season!
Take a look at key dates and deadlines!
The City of Fairburn is one of the target areas for the “Repair With Kindness” program!
Nixle keeps you up-to-date with relevant information from your local public safety departments providing real time updates on severe weather situations, criminal activities, severe traffic & more!
City of Fairburn residents can now use SeeClickFix to get connected, get involved, and get results!
Thank you to the College Park Skyhawks for awarding the City of Fairburn with the “Most Improved City” award!
Firefighters rescue elderly, disabled residents stuck nearly 24 hours after tornado.
The City of Fairburn is proud to announce that we have been listed as one of the top 10 safest places to live in Georgia. The rise in crime underscores the importance of finding a safe place to call home.
In collaboration with the City of Fairburn, GFL Environmental is working to improve service outcomes and that includes a revamp of the current service plan. The new service plan will consolidate trash pick up to one (1) day a week so that it can be managed more efficiently. Their priority is to continue to provide the best service that they can. In order to keep striving for that goal, your current service day will be adjusted.