City Council Meeting
Dates and Times
The Fairburn City Council meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month in the Council Chambers, located in City Hall at 56 SW Malone Street. Work Session begins at 6:00 PM. The City Council meeting begins at 7:00 PM.
Public Comment / Hearing
30 minutes shall be available for public comments at the beginning of each City Council meeting. Persons wishing to address the Mayor and Council must complete the public comment sign-up sheet between 6:15pm and 6:45pm the day of the meeting. Speakers will not be accepted after the sign-up time. Speakers will be permitted to speak in the order they signed in; however, residents and business owners of the City of Fairburn will be permitted to speak prior to speakers not residing within the City of Fairburn. Each speaker shall be limited to three (3) minutes; however a speaker may transfer his or her three (3 minutes) to another speaker, but no speaker shall be permitted to speak for more than six (6) minutes; further, in the event, more than ten (10) speakers desire to speak, each speaker shall be limited to two (2) minutes and no speaker may speak more than four (4) minutes. Issues raised at this time are generally referred to the City Administration for review.
Responses will be provided at a later date.