Fairburn Facts
Fairburn, Georgia's estimated population is 15,520, according to the most recent United States census estimates. Fairburn, Georgia, is the 65th largest city in Georgia based on official 2017 estimates from the US Census Bureau.
The population density is 917.02 people/mi² (354.06 people/km²), with a household density of116.64 people/km² (302.11 people/mi²).
The overall median age is 32.3 years, 31.2 years for males, and 32.7 years for females. For every 100 females, there are 72.2 males.
Based on data from the American Community Survey, in 2017, there were 5,113 households in the city, with an average size of people per household. The homeowner vacancy rate was 0%, with a median rent of $1039/month. The median house has 5.6 rooms and has a value of $119,200.
The median income for households in Fairburn, Georgia, is $43,886, while the mean household income is $54,865. The per capita income is $, and % of families and % of individuals are below the federal poverty line. % of those under 18 are in poverty, and % of those 65 years or older.
Fairburn Ga Population. (2018-06-12). Retrieved 2019-03-12, from http://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/fairburn-ga/