2025 Election Information
2025 General Election Information
Welcome 2025 Candidates:
Thank you for your interest in Fairburn City Government. The City of Fairburn is governed by a Mayor and six Councilmembers, who are elected by the people. The city does not have specific districts or wards , elections are citywide. City elections are nonpartisan; (ex: candidates do not run as members of a respective political party.) Elected officials serve a term of four years until their respective successors are elected and sworn in.
Qualifying for the November 4, 2025, General Election will be held at the Fairburn Administrative Building, 314 NW Broad Street, Fairburn, Georgia. The qualifying dates are August 20th, 21st, and 22nd , 2025 from 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. The clock in our office determines the time. We will be closed from 1 :30p.m. to 2:30 p.m. for lunch.
The Qualifying fees for November 4, 2025, General Election are $810.00 for the Mayor and $405.00 for City Council. Fees must be paid by check or money order.
GA Code§ 16-7-58 (2024) Prohibited placement of posters, signs, and advertisements.
(a} It shall be unlawful for any person to place posters, signs, or advertisements on any public property or building, unless the owner thereof or the occupier as authorized by such owner has given permission to place such posters, signs, or advertisements on such property; provided, however, that signs within the rights of way of public roads shall be governed by Code Section 32-6-51;
(b} 36-6-51: It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, place, or maintain within the dedicated right of way of any public road any signs. Any signs removed by the City of Fairburn will be held at our Code Enforcement Office for five (5) business days. After the election candidates will have five (5) business days to remove their signs.
Signs must be removed by November 11, 2025. Any campaign signs not removed will be confiscated and destroyed.
Certain documents are required to be filed by the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission or www.ethics.ga.gov and www.sos.ga.gov.
DOI (Declaration of Intent to Accept Campaign Contributions)
If you currently are not a public officer holding an elected office and plan to run for public office, you must file a DOI BEFORE accepting any campaign contributions. The DOI form must be filed with the City Clerk.
Form RC (Registration of Campaign Committee) Candidates are not required to have a campaign committee. However, if a candidate forms a campaign committee, the candidate must register the committee with the GEORGIA Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission.
CCDRFD (Campaign Contribution Disclosure Report/Financial Disclosure Report)
Form CCDR must be filed with the City Clerk. The dates the forms are due during an election year are January 31st, April 30th, June 31st, September 30th, October 25th and December 31st.
PFDS- (Personal Financial Disclosure Statement)
This is a statement of personal financial interest for the preceding calendar year filed by each candidate and public officer. For candidates it should be filed with the City Clerk no later than the fifteenth day following the date of qualifying as a candidate.
Affidavit of a Candidate Intent Not to Exceed #$2,500 in Contributions and or Expenditures
If the candidate does not intend to exceed $2,500.00 in contributions or expenditures, then the candidate can file the form per O.C.G.A. §21-5-34 (d.1 (1).
I Member Alex Heath
Contribution Limits
$3,300.00 (Primary & General) & $1,800.00 (run-off)
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 21-2-131 (1) (A) notice is hereby given that the City of Fairburn, Georgia has adopted a resolution setting the qualifying fees for the November 4, 2025, General Election, to elect the Mayor and three (3) Council Members. The qualifying fees for the Mayor is Eight hundred- ten dollars ($810.00) and for City Council Members is Four hundred five dollars ($405.00). Qualifying dates will be announced later.
This 8th day of January 2025
Brenda B. James
City Clerk
Voter Registration Locations
You may register to vote at any of the following mandated voter registration sites:
Fulton County Registration and Elections Department
- Georgia Department of Motor Vehicle Driver’s License Offices
- Public Libraries
- Department of Human Resources Public Assistance Offices (WICS, DFACS)
- Other offices serving the disabled
- Recruitment Offices
- County courthouses and city halls
- Colleges and high schools for students and personnel.
- Online Voter Registration
- In addition to the above sites, view and access more voter information by visiting the Georgia Secretary of State website.
Additional Voting Information

Voter Registration Locations
You may register to vote at any of the following mandated voter registration sites:
- Fulton County Registration and Elections Department
- Georgia Department of Motor Vehicle Driver's License Offices
- Public Libraries
- Department of Human Resources' Public Assistance Offices (WICS, DFACS)
- Other offices serving the disabled
- Recruitment Offices
- County courthouses and city halls
- Colleges and high schools for students and personnel.
- Online Voter registration is available here.
- In addition to the above sites, view and access more voter information by visiting the Georgia Secretary of State website.
City of Fairburn Polling Locations
First Baptist Church of Fairburn
23 SE Malone Street
Fairburn, Georgia 30213
Open Word Christian Ministries
6250 Highway 92
Fairburn, GA 30213
Harvest Rain Church International
8567 Bohannon Road
Fairburn, GA 30213
Polling Locations will be open to registered voters from 7:00 AM EST until 7:00 PM EST on Election Day.
All registered voters will receive a precinct card from the Fulton County Board of Elections 30 days before the election, informing them of what site they should go to vote. There will also be an Early Voting period. To participate in Early Voting, residents can go to the nearest voting site (this might not necessarily be in Fairburn).